Internal mailinglists

MATH has several mailing lists for internal use. Some can be used (sent to) by everyone, others may be limited to certain users.

You can only send to the aliases described below from Outlook or Outlook webmail.

Tip: If you want to send to #SomeName in, say, the webmail, press To to get to the search interface and then make your search in Global Offline Address List (#SomeName aliases might not turn up when searching in other places). Press + to choose and close the interface to return to your email.


As of 2023 we have the following list aliases

  • #MATH permanent
    – all permanent scientific staff, including part-time lecturers (da: eksterne lektorer) (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH postdoc
    – all temporary scientific staff. Primarily but not limited to postdocs. (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH emeriti
    – all of our emeriti (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH other
    – this will hold a list of lecturers of courses managed by MATH (including Data Science courses and math econ) who aren't employeed at MATH. Note, the list does not include lecturers from courses our students follow (fx under CS) but are not managed by MATH. For the actual algorithm see [see note 1].
    – the list will be updated at least twice a year and will include course lecturers up to 18 months before and after the month the data are being produced. The primary targerts are non-MATH lecturers in math-econ and data science. (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH VIP  = #MATH permanent + #MATH postdoc
    – (Admin: Lars)
    – the technical administrative personel (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH Alle = #MATH VIP + #MATH TAP + #MATH emeriti
    – note that it does not include #MATH PHD or #MATH other! (Admin: Lars)
  • #MATH PhD
    – this is an alias for a closed mailinglist for our PhD students. Only the members of the list can write to the list. Everyone else will have to pass moderation. Note that if you are a member of the list, you need to send emails from the email address that is known by the list. The list is extended through out the year and is cleared out each year in January in order to remove the PhDs that defended their dissertation the year before. (Admins: Lars and Randi)
  • #MATH mathgrp
    outlook alias for the mailmanliste for MATH group. Automatically sync'ed with the group data.
  • #MATH stochgrp
    – outlook alias for the mailmanliste for the STOCH group. Automatically sync'ed with the group data.

Note: Earlier #CSS VIP (see below) was included when emailing via #MATH VIP. This is no longer the case, all scientific staff under CSS are now explicitly part of the relevant #MATH lists.

[1]: The algorithm is: (1) Get all courses managed by MATH from the course catalogue. [exceptions, see note 2]  (2) Get the email address of all course coordinator for these courses (the actual lecturers are often only mentioned by name, we will include the lecturers if we can easily find them). (3) The #MATH other list will be those people whose email address does not contain @math or @css (with a few exceptions). Note that we'd rather hit too many than too few. As mentioned the list may include lecturers for up to 18 months before and after the data is taken. This way former lecturers can fx still advertise TA positions etc.

[2]: We ignore courses marked "speciale", "bachelorprojekt", "projektarbejde", "praktik" as these aren't really courses per se.

Outlook/webmail — CSS

Science studies have their own internal outlook lists. They are all administrated by Randi.

  • #CSS VIP
    – sci staff
  • #CSS TAP
    – technical administrative personel
  • #CSS PhD
    PhD students
  • #CSS alle = #CSS VIP + #CSS TAP + #CSS PhD

Send emails to the students

This can be done by certain people in BrightSpace. See below

In BrightSpace there are several so-called "Communities". Through these we can communicate with concrete groups of students.

If you have access to a Community in BS, you will find it on the frontpage of BS when you log in. It is at the bottom on the left, labelled "My Org Units".

More details on communities can be found here:

In a Comminity you have the following possibilities to send information to the students:

  • Email classlist (sends and email to the students, found under Classlist, do NOT start choosing students from the front page of Classlist, use the button "Email classlist", then you'll hit everyone)
  • Announcement (this leaves a message on the BS frontpage of every students who is a member of the community being used)

There are guides for both types in the link above.

By default Louise Thorsen, Lars Madsen, Marina Behrend and Anne-Dorthe Villumsen (collection hereby labelled "Standard") have access to all of MATHs Communities. Below we have listed which communities exists and who have access to them. The names are in Danish in BS.

Note: You cannot, say, send a message to all bachelor students at MATH in one go. You have to send separate messages to the three branches plus "Bachelortilvalget".

Type Name Access
Department Institut for Matematik Standard
Subject area Datavidenskab Standard
Subject area Matematik Standard
Subject area Matematik-økonomi Standard
Subject area Statistik Standard
Subject area Videnskabsstudier Standard
Programme Bachelortilvalget i matematik Standard & UA for bachelor in math
Programme Bacheloruddannelsen i datavidenskab Standard & UA for bachelor in data sci
Programme Bacheloruddannelsen i matematik Standard & UA for bachelor in math
Programme Bacheloruddannelsen i matematik-økonomi Standard & UA for bachelor en math-econ
Programme Kandidattilvalget i matematik Standard & UA for master's in math
Programme Kandidatuddannelsen i datavidenskab Standard & UA for master's in data sci
Programme Kandidatuddannelsen i matematik Standard & UA for master's in math
Programme Kandidatuddannelsen i matematik-økonomi Standard & UA for kandidat i matematik-økonomi
Programme Kandidatuddannelsen i statistik Standard & UA for master's in stat
Programme Kandidatuddannelsen i videnskabsstudier Standard & UA for master's in sci studies
Programme Sidefaget i matematik Standard